Koru Games are using Sporty for their registrations in 2024. 

​​​​​​​Many schools may already be familiar with Sporty as this is the same system used for rugby, netball, touch and softball registrations. 

Please note; to allow as many schools to participate as possible, each school is welcome to enter one team per grade and if you have other teams interested, please fill out our waitlist form and we will get in contact once registrations close.


Steps to register a team

1. Log into Sporty

To find your school's Sporty site to login please click here. If your school is not on the list and you would like to register for the Koru Games, please complete this form

Click Admin Login from the bottom of the page for your school. 

If you are a new user, you can be invited to have access to your Sporty site by following this support article, or please click here to request a login.

2. Access TeamBuilder for the specific competition

Once logged in, go to your Dashboard in the top left of the page, then click the TeamBuilder tile.

Click the drop-down beside the sport you want to enter a team into to view the competition.

Then, click into the competition e.g. Competition: Badminton to enter TeamBuilder.

3. Enter a team into the Koru Games competition

Grades and their associated teams are displayed on the right hand side. Click into the specific grade​​​​​​​ you want to enter a team against. This will expand the grade to show any already entered teams, or to add a new team.

Click + Add Team to enter a new team.

4. Complete the Team Entry Form

Complete the Team Entry form by filling out all fields and accept the Terms and Conditions. The team manager entered at the time of registration can be changed later.

Click Submit to enter the team.

CONGRATULATIONS, your team has now been entered into the Koru Games Competition. Your new team will now appear under its' respective grade, and will be visible to Koru Games.